

People with diabetes can suffer from painful neuropathy which makes it difficult to walk or hold objects.


Are You Taking Outdated Drugs or Insulin?

Have you been convinced that these are all you need to normalize your blood sugar and regain your health?

Your doctor has virtually no chance of keeping up with any of them.

The Wrong Treatment Can Be Catastrophic

Managing your daily life with diabetes can be hard. The risk of stroke, heart attack, and even death is ever present.

And for people with diabetes, life is a constant struggle to maintain balance; keeping track of your carbohydrate intake, continuously monitoring blood-sugar levels, and injecting insulin. It's a never-ending cycle to stay healthy.

But Now, Major Advances in Medicine Could End That Cycle.

scienceIt is now easier than ever to manage your daily life with the right medications.1

Unfortunately, many doctors prescribe treatment protocols that are years old. And so, their patients miss out on the benefits of new medicines and the advancements in treatments.

Given the many discoveries in new diabetic treatments and drugs, you need to ask yourself, “Am I taking the right medication for my diabetes?”

What's the Future of Treating Diabetes?

There are now several classes of drugs where in the past there was only one type of medication.2

Plus, there are many new drugs in the discovery pipeline… and doctors are optimistic that they may even see many new classes of drugs soon.

Discuss the new breakthroughs in Diabetes Treatment with your doctor.

New Medical Advances Give Real Hope to Diabetics

The site below was specifically designed to allow you to search advanced diabetes treatment ads in your area.

If you’re interested in exploring your options, and to learn more about what’s state-of-the-art in diabetes medications and treatments, go to the link below

Article sponsored by diabetestreatmenthelp.com

1. http://www.diabetes.org/living-with-diabetes/treatment-and-care/medication/#sthash.6LFb4Fu8.dpuf
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3498849/