It Takes Only Seven Seconds To Make a First Impression
And If You Think You Look Old… Chances Are, It’s True.
Everybody knows how important first impressions are.
But not everybody knows that a "First Impression" is made within seven seconds upon first meeting someone.
Like it or not, judgments based on facial appearance play a powerful role in how we treat others, and how we get treated. Psychologists have long known that attractive people get better outcomes in practically all walks of life. And unfortunately, in America today, so much emphasis is put on a youthful appearance.
If you look old and tired, if you feel old and tired, then the first impression others will have of you is that you ARE old and tired.
Listen, aging of the face is inevitable, sometime beginning around the age of 35 the skin begins to loosen on the face and neck. Crow’s feet appear and continuously deepen at the corners of the eyes. Fine lines on your forehead become creases and then, gradually, deeper folds. Your jawline softens into jowls, and beneath the chin, the dreaded ‘double chin’ appears – even if you are not overweight. Add in heredity, personal habits such as smoking, and increased sun exposure contribute to the aging of your face and neck.
But here is the good news: You CAN Change your appearance back to a time when you looked more youthful, vibrant and energetic.
You now have a Second Chance at making a first impression.
Scientific advances have created a lasting and gentle facelift procedure that removes years from your face, and at a price that most anyone can afford. With no costly hospital stay, no long recovery time, and no risky general anesthesia.
Just listen to what Faye had to say:
“I may have lost ten years on my face, but I gained confidence. I gained freedom. I gained some friends, respect and admiration from a lot of people and I feel like I’ve gained time in my life that I wouldn’t have had before. And now I’m ready to go out and experience things that I never would have thought I would, I didn’t have the confidence to do it before. But now, I do.” - Faye, 61
This advanced procedure is done in one day at a doctor’s office - not a hospital. You stop into an office in the morning, and go home in just a few hours.
“When I looked in the mirror before the procedure, I saw a 54-year-old woman. And in my brain, I felt like I was still a 24-year-old woman. I was hoping that this procedure would give me maybe 10 years… I think I got closer to 20!” –Shirley, 54
Introducing Lift™ by Sono Bello…
Lift™ by Sono Bello can make you look young and vibrant on the outside, just as you feel on the inside.
Imagine waking up to a face that matches your youthful spirit, the confidence you will carry, the compliments and admiration you will receive, the zest you will bring to every-day living simply because you look as young as you feel.
Looking younger is a choice you can make today…
Sono Bello has helped over 100,000 women and men transform their faces, their bodies, but most importantly… their lives.
“I went into Sono Bello wanting to get at least 5 years younger, but I feel like I got 20 years younger!” –Dina, 62
Plus, looking younger is now an affordable choice…
That’s right. Most were surprised that their procedure was affordable… And at how it made them feel beautiful in every area of life.
Plus, Sono Bello offers financing options to meet almost any budget.
And best of all, right now they are offering a $250 off special offer when you schedule a free consultation to find out more about how they might help you.
Interested in the possibilities? Click on the button below to see dozens of success stories just like Faye, Shirley and Dina’s and to learn how this is right for you.
Article sponsored by Sono Bello