Modern Science Confirms Ancient Roman “Water Cure” For Arthritis… and More


Modern Science Confirms Ancient Roman "Water Cure" For Arthritis… and More

Which of These 15 “Old Age” Pains Do You Want to Fix?

For thousands of years, they’ve stopped the aches & pains of aging…

The Romans considered them vital to good health… and 130 years ago a popular medical book rediscovered their power and referred to them as the “water cure.”

Today, modern science confirms they reduce inflammation and help with 15 common age-related problems.

Problems ranging from arthritis to diabetes… to colds & other respiratory infections… to the common headache and beyond.

They take away many of the aches and pains we suffer as we age.1

Yet the irony is, the very people who can benefit the most from this ancient therapy (those 65 and up) are the least able to access it.

Even though it’s readily available to them… in their own home!

What is the “Water Cure”?

The “water cure” is nothing more than a nice hot bath.

It can help with many conditions2… YET:

Most seniors have given up on the idea of soaking in a hot bath – with good reason… Because roughly 1 out of 4 seniors experience a fall each year3.

And the vast majority of those falls happen in the bathroom.

Plus, it’s a pain to get in and out of a traditional bath tub… and no one likes to ask for help… so bathing goes out the window.

And so do all of its age-related health benefits. BUT:

That doesn’t have to be the case.

Walk-in tubs have come a long way in recent years. In fact, compared to traditional tubs – today’s walk-in baths are luxury spas.

How to Enjoy a Luxury Bath at Any Age… Without Help

If you can lift your foot a few inches, you can easily walk in and out of a walk-in tub… but that’s always been the case.

Past walk-in tubs left a lot to be desired.

Today’s models offer heated seats – so you’re not cold while filling and draining the tub. Fast-drains – so you can get out and dry off quickly.

Water jets give your feet, legs and back a gentle massage. Tiny oxygen bubbles gently tickle as they restore your skin.

And some models even include chronotherapy and aromatherapy (colored lighting and pleasant smells for us regular people!).

Many manufacturers offer these features and more. And some brands offer to get your new tub setup in as little as 1 day (without leaving behind a mess).

Interested in learning more about the benefits and affordability of a walk-in tub?

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